Elder Elaine Penn – epenn@pilgrimrestphx.org

Elder of Pastoral Care
New Members
Sis. Sharon Green – 602-570-4373
The New Members Ministry welcomes individuals and families seeking to make Pilgrim Rest Baptist Church their spiritual home. We offer “Fast Track” sessions, including a personal welcome and Q&A session with our Pastor, as well as explanations of our church doctrines. We assist new members in connecting with the various ministry departments within our church.
Outreach Ministry
Sis. Rhoshanwdra Carnes – Meets 1st of Monday of each month at 6:30 PM – prbcoutreachmin@gmail.com
The Outreach Ministry is committed to making a significant impact on the community and our church membership. We provide compassion and resources to individuals and families facing food insecurity, rent, and utility assistance. Our services include a monthly mobile food pantry, benevolence for those experiencing homelessness, and evangelism through the preached Word.
Intercessory Prayer Team
Sis. Patricia Wesley – Meets 3rd Saturday of each month – prbcprayer@yahoo.com
Our Intercessory Prayer Team is dedicated to the command of Jesus to pray for one another for healing. Prayer requests can be submitted through our web portal, church prayer line, or directly to church members. Each Sunday, the team wears the traditional tallit to signify their readiness to provide individualized intercessory prayer services after worship.
Restorative Justice Ministry
Vacant – Elder Elaine Penn – epenn@pilgrimrestphx.org
Our Restorative Justice Ministry provides encouragement, hope, and assistance to members and the community impacted by incarceration and re-entry. We offer pen pal ministry services and donate printed resources like Bibles and tracts to correctional facilities. Our outreach includes visiting local jails and correctional facilities in Maricopa County for in-person ministry and worship.
Shepherds Ministry
Bro. & Sister Hollis – Meets Monthly – Shepherds Geo 2024 April
The Shepherds Ministry, guided by the motto “Every Member Counts,” ensures our congregation receives personal care and attention. Volunteer shepherding couples work alongside the Pastor to offer support during times of bereavement, sickness, and crisis. They also assist with church sacraments, including Holy Communion, Baptism, and Baby Dedications.