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Biblical Stewardship – Elder Richard Yarboug

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Course Name & Description:
“Biblical Stewardship”
This course aims to provide a broader understanding of biblical stewardship. Participants will gain insights into stewardship from God’s perspective, enhancing their relationship with the Lord and enabling better utilization of His resources. By the end of this course, participants will be equipped to share stewardship principles with other believers, potentially enriching their lives.

Facilitator: Elder Richard Yarbough

Recommended Reading:

  • Sangl, Joseph: I Was Broke, Now I’m Not
  • Ramsey, Dave: Financial Peace, Revisited
  • Bonhoeffer, Dietrich: The Cost of Discipleship
  • Burkett, Larry: God and Your Finances
  • Roost, Charles and Ingebretson, Ben: All the Gold is Mine: The Dilemma of Ownership
  • Williams, J.L.: Will a Man Rob God? Or, Thieves in the Church!
  • Hay, Tina: Napkin Finance: Build Your Wealth in 30 Seconds or Less